Graphite Electrodes Quality Index and Application

The ordinary power, high power and ultra high power of graphite electrodes are divided according to the quality index. This index is also determined based on the power allowed by the electric arc furnace to which the graphite electrode is applied. Following is the Graphite Electrodes Quality Index and Application details.

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    (1) Regular graphite electrodes (RP) are allowed to use graphite electrodes with a current density lower than 17A / cm2, which are mainly used in ordinary power electric furnaces for steelmaking, siliconmaking, and smelting.

    (2) Anti-oxidation coating The graphite electrode is coated with an anti-oxidation protective layer on the graphite electrode surface to form a protective layer that can conduct electricity and resist high-temperature oxidation, reducing electrode consumption during steelmaking.

    (3) High-power graphite electrodes (HP) allow the use of graphite electrodes with a current density of 18 to 25 A / cm2. They are mainly used in high-power electric arc furnaces for steelmaking.

    (4) Ultra-high-power graphite electrodes (UHP) allow graphite electrodes with a current density greater than 25A / cm 2. Mainly used in ultra high power steelmaking arc furnace.

    Anti-oxidation Coating Graphite Electrodes Quality Index and Application

    Anti-oxidation coated graphite electrode, mainly using petroleum coke and needle coke as raw materials, coal tar as binder, calcined, batched, kneaded, pressed, calcined, graphitized, and machined. It is made in an electric arc furnace. The conductor that releases electrical energy in the form of an arc to heat and melt the charge is mainly used in electric furnace steelmaking. According to its quality index, it can be divided into ordinary power, high power and ultra high power.

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      Graphite electrode coated with an anti-oxidation protective layer (graphite electrode antioxidant). Form a protective layer that is both conductive and resistant to high temperature oxidation, reducing electrode consumption (19% to 50%), electrode life (22% to 60%), and reducing electrode power consumption during steelmaking. The promotion and use of this technology can bring such economic and social effects

      ① The graphite electrode consumes less per unit, and the production cost is reduced to a certain extent. For example, in a steel plant, based on the consumption of about 35 graphite electrodes per week in the first-level LF refining furnace that has not been shut down throughout the year, and the refining treatment of 165 furnaces, using graphite electrode oxidation technology can save 373 (153 tons) per year ) Electrode, the annual calculation of 16,900 yuan per ton of ultra-high power electrodes can save 25.857 million yuan.

      ② The graphite electrode consumes less power, which saves electricity consumption per unit of steelmaking, which saves production costs and saves energy!

      ③ As the graphite electrode is changed less, the labor and risk factor of the operator are reduced, and the production efficiency is reduced.

      ④ Graphite electrode is a low-consumption and low-pollution product. It is advocated in energy conservation and environmental protection and has very important social significance.

      This technology is still in the research and development stage in China, and some domestic manufacturers have begun production. It is widely used in developed countries such as Japan. At present, there are also companies in China that specialize in importing this antioxidant protective coating.