Main Ways to Reduce Graphite Electrode Consumption in Steel Smelting

In steel smelting, how to reduce the consumption of the graphite electrode is not only the production technology of graphite electrode manufacturers but also the important work of smelting plant manufacturers are like the graphite electrode uses and optimize the operation of electric furnaces.

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    Graphite Electrode Consumption in Steel Smelting

    In steel smelting, the problem of graphite electrode consumption. First, the problem of nipple breakage is to be solved; second, the resistance to oxidation and thermal shock is to be considered. This requires us to first understand the development of the smelting industry, the smelting process, the electric furnace, and the technicality of the operation. Then carry out targeted technical research, scientifically organize production, and implement effective technical services. Only in this way can the production and use be matched.

    Method of Reduce Graphite Electrode Consumption

    In steel smelting production, the methods of Reduce Graphite Electrode Consumption are mainly analyzed from the following aspects.

    New electric furnace technology reduces consumption

    The establishment of large-scale UHP and LF electric furnaces has laid a solid foundation for the scale development of the steel industry. They mainly choose the UHP graphite electrode. Large production capacity and low energy consumption are the characteristics of the new smelting technology. Large-scale electric arc furnaces scientifically use a large flow of chemical energy (60% to 70% of total energy consumption). The use of chemical energy has shortened the smelting cycle by at least half and greatly increased the output, so the unit consumption of the electrode is decreasing.

    Electric arc furnace steelmaking
    Electric arc furnace steelmaking

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      Reducing consumption of hot charging smelting process

      While the steel industry is developing large electric furnaces, it has also extended to large-scale converters and blast furnaces in recent years. Most of the newly built blast furnaces are above 2000 M3, and the largest can reach 4050 M3. Electric furnace hot charging hot metal (accounting for 40%~60% generally) has become a popular smelting process technology. Hot charging hot metal effectively shortens the smelting cycle and reduces the consumption of electrical and chemical energy and various materials. In particular, the unit consumption and demand for graphite electrodes have been reduced.

      The new electric furnace has perfect supporting facilities. The introduction of technology to operate the impedance electric furnace and the installation of an automatic monitoring system in the furnace can strengthen the control of the electrodes and complete the effective use of graphite electrodes. Played a great role in reducing losses. Therefore, the electrode breaking rate of large electric furnaces is less than 2%. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the transformation of the old electric stove.

      Strictly control the consumption reduction in the power transmission system

      The strict control of the power transmission system is to adopt the corresponding arc starting voltage and current gear for different steel types and smelting processes under the premise of ensuring normal smelting. To prevent excessive current fluctuations, and strictly control the peak current working time. This effectively prevents electrode redness and reactive oxidation consumption, and breakage in the furnace.

      Standardize consumption reduction

      Graphite electrode manufacturers must strictly require users to store, store, and connect the electrodes. On-site guidance to users on electrode connection technology. The purpose of these basic requirements is to avoid breakage and shedding losses.

      In principle, large-size electrodes must require a connection under the furnace. During the connection, avoid collision of thread fragments and keep the upper electrode always vertical. When it is evenly screwed to 8~10MM, then use inertial locking, and then use a long arm wrench to apply a pre-tightening torque until it cannot be screwed. The slit electrode cannot be put on the furnace If there is no phase sequence problem and the connection is good, it is best not to hit the fixing pin.

      In addition, the matters needing special attention are:

      • When the flame is high, the highest section should be connected to the heightened electrode in time to prevent damage to the screw;
      • When sliding the electrode, there must be a soft connection to avoid a hard collision;
      • The holder and the electrode must be kept vertical to prevent the electrode from being scratched with the small furnace cover;
      • Avoid the oxygen gun directly on the lower electrode in the furnace.
      • This is a technical requirement when using electrodes. The purpose is also to avoid and reduce the direct loss of the electrode.
      RS Graphite Electrodes Company